Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Quick Class Poll

Today in class we asked the students a few questions about the program. Here's what they had to say:

Q: What will you take with you, having progressed through the Pimooteewin program?

"My smarts."
"My math!"
"That book that you read in class, "Rich by Thirty". I didn't get to read it but I want to."

Q: What made the most impact?

"Being motivated to do better in my life, to come to school. Time management skills will help me a lot!"
"The trips -- I've never been to the ROM or the AGO."
"The people in the classroom. It was awesome for the people who showed up regularly."
"The awesome food... and the free tokens."

Q: What would you change for next time?

"I'd change my attitude towards math next time -- it's not as bad as I think sometimes... as long as I think."
"I would change the way that it is taught, make it more strict. Like, giving consequences or more homework."
"Maybe do one take-home assignment every week."
"Windows that open."
"No windows!"
"I want to see more people, more that are willing to be here every day."
"Absolutely nothing."

Q: What are your next steps?

"I want to do more outreach in the community for the program."
"I need to find a job where I can do some reading, writing, and math."
"I'm going to try to find a job in the community, like, to work with the community."
"I want to apply to Native Child this year!"

This program has been such a unique and memorable experience for everyone involved. We'd love to hear your comments and feedback in the form below!
Posted by Karen Craigs

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